I recently spoke with Jordi Rafols of Innoget, regarding open
innovation and the Innoget platform. We began by Jordi distinguished
OI from crowdsourcing as follows:
- Operates on a shared responses basis, with
no confidentiality nor contractual agreements. Individuals post responses
to a request and all can see all responses.
- Good for ideas generation, consumer
insights, marketing innovation.
Open innovation:
- Operates on confidential response basis.
Does not pool responses.
Innoget’s website http://www.innoget.com/
acts as a portal for open innovation, where technology requests or technology
offerings can be posted, anonymously if desired, and responses are then made
via the website.
Jordi will elaborate further on this approach and its application to
pharma discovery during Networked Pharma’s Networked Pharma Funds & Fundability workshop
at Holiday Inn, Regents Park, London, on 28th June.
The workshop will examine who is funding, what they are funding and
what makes a fundable investment, as well as the rise of open innovation &
crowdsourcing. Jordi will be joined by speakers from biotech, VC, CVC, Pharma,
CROs, BBSRC, the Wellcome Trust, TSB/KTN and others. For more information and
to register see www.networkedpharma.com/funding.
BioSpring Ltd is a member of Networked Pharma Partnership, a not for profit organisation dedicated to assisting development of a new paradigm for drug discover & development
Networked Pharma Partnership; Building Innovative Networks in Drug Discovery & Development
A series of workshops are being run during 2012, leading to an international congress in early 2013, which will bring together all stake-holders (Corporate Pharmas, SMEs, CROs, Universities, VCs, CVCs, Research Councils, Charities, Regulators & Government bodies etc.) to formulate the new business model(s) for the future success of the industry.
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