Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Lifescience / Healthcare Start-up Evolution?

Lean Start-up, Accelerators and Business Model Canvas in Lifescience/Healthcare?

Can the Lifesciences / Healthcare sector’s business start-ups learn from the experience and techniques of the Tech / Digital sectors? I’m thinking particularly of speed to market, and success rates.  If so it this could well boost investment into this sectors start-ups!

As a starting point to investigating this further I’m reviewing/benchmarking the use of three “techniques” within Lifescience/healthcare sector, and would like to ask or your help with this, via three queries.  The aforementioned “techniques” are listed below along with links to brief Linked-In polls.  Many thanks in anticipation of your help - I will of course freely publish the results on my Blog!

1.      The rise of the Tech Accelerators such as the original Y-Combinator and TechStars, and a number of followers in USA & Europe, are a testament to the success of the Accelerator approach (reviewed by NESTA report Start Up Factories, and utilising community based approach elaborated by Brad Feld www.startuprev.com).  Until the recent Health Wildcatters launch in Dallas and Harvard announcement for funding of a new healthcare accelerator, there appeared to be none active in our sector. Are you aware of any others existing or planned?

Related are the “Lean Start-up” , movement developed by Eric Ries (theleanstartup.com), and the Business Model Generation techniques of Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (www.businessmodelgeneration.com.  In particular techniques such as Minimum Viable Product and Business Model Canvascanvas.  These are reviewed in brief article by Steve Blank, Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything (hbr.org/2013/05/why-the-lean-start-up-changes-everything/ar/1).

 Are you aware of these techniques being used in Lifesciences / Healthcare sub-sectors?
2.      Lean Start-up                              Poll: http://linkd.in/17oPuHR
3.      Business Model Canvas             Poll: http://linkd.in/17oPl7b

I look forward to receiving your input.
Many thanks